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Thanks for choosing to renew your registration as a CCAB.

Renewal Window and Registration Period

Renewals are made annually to cover the period 1st January to 31st December. The online renewal process is outlined below.
The deadline for submitting annual renewals,  to include all supporting documentation, is the last day of February. After that date, the online renewal window closes and clinicians who chose not to renew will be removed from the register.

Renewal Fees

Consulting and Non-Consulting Clinicians: £60. 
Retired Clinicians: £20

Clinicians who inadvertently miss the deadline due to extenuating circumstances should contact us at . Please note that applications for a manual renewal after the deadline will be considered at our discretion, and if accepted, will incur a 100% surcharge to cover additional administration costs.

How to make your renewal application

If your status is one of the following, you can skip to Step 3 below:

  • retired 

  • an â€‹RCVS (Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons) Specialist in Veterinary Behavioural Medicine

  • an EVBS  (European Board of Veterinary Specialisation) Veterinary Specialist in Behavioural Medicine

  • an ACVB (American College of Veterinary Behaviourists) Diplomat

  • an FANZCVS  (Veterinary Behaviour) i.e. Fellow of the Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists (Veterinary Behaviour)


All other practitioners, including vets and RCVS Advanced Practitioners (Companion Animal Behaviour) need to complete Steps 1 to 3 below.


Step 1: 

Download and save the CPD and Case Log template from here, and log your annual CPD* in the first sheet. Before completing your CPD record, please carefully review the requirements in the section below called 'CPD and Case Log Requirements'. 

Commencing January 2025 we will ask you to submit a simple Case Log in addition to your CPD Log .


Step 2: 

Submit your CPD by emailing your completed template to


Step 3: 

Complete your renewal payment online using the application and payment forms below. If you need to complete Steps 1 and 2, do not make payment before submitting your CPD , because we can't process your renewal without it, even though your online payment will be accepted.

No plans availableOnce there are plans available for purchase, you’ll see them here.
CPD and Case Log Requirements
CPD Requirements


Both Consulting and Non-Consulting Clinicians need to demonstrate 30 hours of CPD per renewal period. CPD Activities should be from three or more of the following categories, at least one of which must be from categories 1-3, with no more than 5 hours from category 6.

Category 1: Short Courses on Professional Issues

Category 2: Seminars and Conferences

Category 3: Study for Further Qualifications

Category 4: Encouraging the Development of Others

Category 5: Committee Work / Meetings

Category 6: Personal Development


Please be mindful to complete all sections of the template, including the reflection; these are required (and checked) by practitioner organisations. 


What counts as CPD?

Please consider the following guidelines for selection of CPD:

  1. It should be relevant to the practice of companion animal behaviour. If it does not appear directly/obviously relevant, please discuss how you feel it is relevant in your reflection.

  2. It does not need to be formally assessed

  3. It should be based on critically evaluated, scientific understanding

  4. The provider should not go against the CCAB code of conduct

If points 3 and 4 are not met by the provider, in your reflection, please show evidence-based critical evaluation to justify your choice of event

Consulting versus non-Consulting status: Case Log Requirements


To qualify for the Consulting Register at renewal, you need to have led on a minimum of 20 vet-referred cases in the 12 months prior to the renewal period. Please log your cases throughout the year on the second sheet of the CPD and Case Log template.


Maintaining your multi-species status: CPD and Case Log Requirements


In order to uphold standards of species-specific skills, we also require a minimum case-load per species for which you are registered.

For cats, dogs, and horses/other equids, this minimum is 20 cases per rolling 3 year period


For example: 

If you see both dogs and cats you could meet the requirements with the following case load:

Year 1: 10 dogs and 10 cats

Year 2: 18 dogs and 2 cats 

Year 3: 12 dogs and 8 cats 


If you see dogs, cats, and horses/other equids, you could meet the requirements with the following case load:

Year 1: 7 dogs, 7 cats, 6 horses

Year 2: 6 dogs, 7 cats, and 7 horses

Year 3: 7 dogs, 6 cats, and 7 horses


For any other species (including but not limited to rabbits, guinea pigs, birds, and reptiles) the minimum is 10 cases per rolling 3 year period plus 5 hours of species-specific CPD per year. This 5 hours counts towards your minimum 30 hours total CPD. If you see 20 cases in any of these species over the rolling 3 year period, the 5 hours species-specific CPD is not required. 


Exceptions and changes in circumstances e.g. career breaks

For career-breaks of less than 12 months, as a Consulting Clinician, you need to adhere to the above Case Load requirements at renewal, else you should move to the Non-Consulting register (see below for details on moving between registers).


Both Consulting and Non-Consulting Clinicians need to maintain their CPD. This is to ensure all CCABs in the industry are up to date with the field of behaviour in their chosen species. 


Whether Consulting or Non-Consulting, if you have been unable to fulfil the Case Load and/or CPD requirements due to extenuating circumstances please send a supporting email to outlining the reasons for this, so the committee can consider your renewal.  Examples of extenuating circumstances that might be accepted include accident or illness. 


Moving between registers


As a Consulting Clinician, if you  take time away from work (e.g. for reasons such as parental leave, illness, caring for relatives, or a career break) for 12 months or more, you may move to the Non-consulting Register for up to three years, as long as you maintain your CPD.

  • After 3 years on the Non-Consulting Register, if you are still on a career break, or working in a different career, you should move to the Retired Register.

  • If you return to work as a CCAB within 3 years e.g. in an educational capacity, but are not seeing sufficient cases to register as a Consulting CCAB, you can remain on the Non-Consulting Register, subject to above renewal requirements.

  • If you return to work within 3 years and can fulfil the case load requirements for the Consulting Register at renewal, you can simply move back to the Consulting Register.


Once you have been on the Retired Register for more than a year, if you wish to return to the Non-Consulting or Consulting Register, you will need to undergo full re-assessment (with associated fees).   



Having completed your renewal payment, if you change your mind or have made a mistake, please contact us at within 14 days of payment, thank-you.

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